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A Letter to My Babies

To my dearly beloved babies,
Life may not be easy.
In your eyes, life is hard, life is unloved, and life is being alone.
And all you want to do is scream to the world: Life Sucks!!!

But then, you met me.
An ordinary person, with an ordinary attitude, but extraordinary affection.
I care for you, unconditionally.
Even if I might not be in your lives forever.

I taught you the beautiful side of life.
The joy, the happiness, but sometimes also the tears.
I share with you all the love in the world.
I share with you, my love.

But remember,
You decide your own path.
What you want to be in life.
How you want to live your life.
It's on your own.

No matter what,
I will always be here.
With you.
Because I love you.


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