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Why Do I Need to Wash My Hands?

What is the first thing that your mother taught you when you were little? 

What did she say when you just enter the house, want to grab a bite to eat, after you play with your toys, or want to go to bed?

“Did you wash your hands?”

Probably you heard that a lot in your childhood, and maybe until now, in your adult age. At one point, you easily get bored with this same old question. And at another point, it seems that washing your hands is too “old school” and not an adult type of thing. 

But wait, you can get bored, or fed up. But you must never ever hung up on this issue.


Think about all of the things that you touched today – your smart phone, your note book, public transportation, and the toilet! Or maybe you just blew your nose in a tissue and then went outside to dig around the dirt. Or you just shook someone’s hand and without you noticed, that person got a flu. 

And imagine – just imagine - after your hands touched many of the things above, you eat one slice of pizza. With your bare hands. Don’t be confuse if the next day you catch a flu or have to use your permit from the office to stay at home. Sick. 

Now, this is the part where I explain the importance of listening to what your mother told you. 

Keeping our hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Whatever you did today, you came into contact with germs. It’s easy for a germ on your hand to end up in your mouth. Think about how many foods you eat with your hands. Just like that one slice of yummy pizza. 

You can’t wear rubber gloves all day long, but you can wash your hands so those germs don’t get a chance to make you or someone else sick. When germs go down the drain, they can’t make anyone sick. Washing hands is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious disease, such as cold, flu, or infectious diarrhea.

Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water. If clean, running water is not accessible, as is common in many parts of the world, use soap and available water. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to clean hands. 

But you must remember, alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of germs on hands in some situations, but sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs. Hand sanitizers are not as effective when hands are visibly dirty. Washing your hands with clean, running water is still the best option.

So, when are the best times to wash our hands?

It’s obvious to immediately wash our hands when it’s dirty. But we also have to do this routine every time before we eat or touching food, like if you’re helping your mother cook or bake something.

The other times that are also important to wash our hands afterwards are after using the bathroom, after blowing your nose or coughing, after touching pets or other animals, after playing outside, before and after visiting a sick relative or friend. Just like your mother told you.

Okay, pretend you washed your hands.

And now you think your hands are clean. 

Are you sure?

A lot of people don’t know how to get their paws perfectly clean. They think just to get our hands wet and a little bit of soap will magically make it clean. Wait a minute, check it again. The next time you’re told to step up to the sink and scrub up, remember these handly hints:

1.       Make sure you use warm water to wash, not cold or hot.

2.       You can use whatever soap you like. A soap with exquisite shapes, romantic scent, or colourful bubble. Any kind, you name it. Some people believes that antibacterial soaps are better, but guess what? Regular soap works fine either. Just remember, whatever kind gets you scrubbing is the kind you should use. 

3.       Work up some leather on both sides of your hands, your wrists, and between your fingers. Don’t forget to wash around your nails. This is one place germs like to hide.

4.       Wash for about 10 to 15 seconds. Wash and sing Happy Birthday to make sure your duration is right. Sing it nice and slow. 

5.       Rinse and dry well with a clean towel.

Now, your hands are perfectly clean. You can enjoy your meal without getting worry you’ll get sick. A simple step like washing your hands apparently can give great effect for your health. So, always remember what your mother told you. Stay healthy.


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