Dear friends, family, students, and readers,
This is a video promotion for my 1st ever novel: Not an Angel, a Devil Perhaps
I wrote it in a simple chicklit style, but the conflict and message are worth to wait. Unique, and not too mainstream. If I could start a new genre, probably it will be Dark Chicklit or what so ever.
I will selfpublish Not an Angel, a Devil Perhaps with one of Jakarta's indie selfpublish consultant in a couple of month. Just check out the date and info from my blog, twitter, facebook, or blackberry private message. Please support literacy culture in our country.
Wanna take a sneak peak of my novel? Check out this video!
Miss Tya
This is a video promotion for my 1st ever novel: Not an Angel, a Devil Perhaps
I wrote it in a simple chicklit style, but the conflict and message are worth to wait. Unique, and not too mainstream. If I could start a new genre, probably it will be Dark Chicklit or what so ever.
I will selfpublish Not an Angel, a Devil Perhaps with one of Jakarta's indie selfpublish consultant in a couple of month. Just check out the date and info from my blog, twitter, facebook, or blackberry private message. Please support literacy culture in our country.
Wanna take a sneak peak of my novel? Check out this video!
Miss Tya
Assalamu'alaykum wr wb. Mbak Tya, perkenalkan saya Kiki. :) Saya tertarik dengan gadis misterius Isabella (sy merasa misterius dan abu-abu jg :D), pendekatan manusiawi dan jalan cerita novel Mbak. Kapan dicetak Mbak? Sy ingiiin beli dan baca novelnya. :) Sukses dan semangat ya Mbak Tya! ;)