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There Goes the Fire Truck!

It was quite a breezy day, but it’s sunny enough despite all the heavy rain we had nearly everyday this month. I was teaching as usual at X Science 3 and when we got to the part when I’m dividing them into groups for their upcoming project, one girl shouted while her finger pointed at the window, “Look, Miss. There’s smoke outside!”

I glanced from the white board to the window beside it, and found a thin grey smoke which seemed like from the class next door. I rushed to the window and tried to hide a tiny smile as best as I could. Then, suddenly a very loud bell rang. Well, it has started!

The previous week, the vice principal told us we’re going to have a fire drill on Thursday, 11 January 2018. This information had to be discreet to the students, so they would not be prepare for anything and will take this drill seriously. But well, you know high school students. Whatever meant to be a secret means the whole school knows.

So, when the bell rang, the students shouted which really felt like cheers to my ear. I wasn’t sure they were frightened or something, they seemed to be happy and everybody went to the window. Happy with the drill or because they don’t have to listen to my lecture anymore, I don’t know. You see, we never had a fire drill for at least six or seven years. This one is like a celebration.

But a drill is still a drill. I told the kids to get in line and leave the classroom immediately. “Imagine this is a real situation and I want to make sure that everyone here knows what to do and don’t incase of fire!” I shouted.

The kids made line with their smiley faces and the urge to go to the bathroom first or get their phones from the phone box. “What? This is a serious matter and no body break the line. Now get out and let’s evacuate ourselves!” I said as I shoo them to the door.

The evacuation process is actually very simple. Every one needs to go outside the building, teachers help the students to get out and make sure that everybody is no longer inside the classrooms. Then we gather at the school field. The teachers have to make sure again that everybody is already on the field so nobody is left behind.

It was easy peasy, but the circumstances is only a simulation. So nobody was panicking or rushing to save their lives. I couldn’t barely imagine what will happen if this is a real fire. What a chaotic scene it will be. Hopefully it will never happens!

After everyone is outside, the fire fighters from Bekasi Area performed things that will happen in a real fire. First we saw a rescuing simulation that showed what will happen if someone is trapped in the second floor and couldn’t get out because the fire and the smoke already spreads. The fire fighters used rope and safety helmet to bring the “victim” outside from the window. A healthy victim could slide by himself but the medical team have to be prepared on the ground to rush the victim immediately to the car to check wether he had smoke in his lungs or any other symptoms.

The fire fighters then performed a simulation with the help of some students and school staffs how to handle injured victims. How to rush them to the car, how to carry them, and how to evacuate them once they are already in the car. It showed us that although we evacuate and gather at the field, but we still have to clear an entrance for school cars or ambulance – and later the fire engine, to secure the victims.

The last simulation was what everybody was waiting for. The fire engine! The fire fighters parked the big red car at the center of the field and performed how they prepare the waterhose to put the fire down. It was amazing and everybody cheered for the fire fighters. It was a marvelous experience for us to watch.

Well, in the United States, I bet fire drill at school is a very common thing to do every year. The students there are already used to drills in hope they will also be prepare incase of fire. But in Indonesia, not every school perform a fire drill, despite how important it is to save lives. I really appreciate the school for having this drill. It gave the students new experience and knowledge in an emergency situation, especially fire. Looking forward for another drill next year and probably also a different drill, such as earthquake. Good job, fire fighters!


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