What is the first thing that your mother taught you when you were little? What did she say when you just enter the house, want to grab a bite to eat, after you play with your toys, or want to go to bed? “Did you wash your hands?” Probably you heard that a lot in your childhood, and maybe until now, in your adult age. At one point, you easily get bored with this same old question. And at another point, it seems that washing your hands is too “old school” and not an adult type of thing. But wait, you can get bored, or fed up. But you must never ever hung up on this issue. Why? Think about all of the things that you touched today – your smart phone, your note book, public transportation, and the toilet! Or maybe you just blew your nose in a tissue and then went outside to dig around the dirt. Or you just shook someone’s hand and without you noticed, that person got a flu. And imagine – just imagine - after your hands touched many ...