Grade XI Science at the Bogor Botanical Garden One of the most anticipated program for the eleventh grade on the second semester is Field Study. With this program, students can get this one full day to study outside the school, where they can learn what had been taught in the classroom and see by them self in the nature. Sure, we are talking about nature, because these are the Science major students in senior high school. Last Tuesday (13/3), the students visited Bogor Botanical Garden, in Bogor city, not very far from our school in Bekasi. We hit the road on 07.15 AM and arrived at the biggest research garden in the country on 08.30 AM. We are very lucky, considering the traffic was smooth enough with no traffic jam. The purpose of this field trip, as well as the theme, is “Exploring Nature with Science Education.” In Bogor Botanical Garden, we don’t only see amazing view, such as beautiful flowers and trees, but we can also learn the application of some school...